DHex version history

Below is a version history for Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design (DHex) software: DHex v4.0.0.0 Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server DHex + Maintenance release fixed bug to address failing to calculate the thermal capacity ratio fixed bug to address failing to calculate the number of transfer unit fixed bug to address failing to calculate pressure drop in annulus side DHex…

Double pipe heat exchanger video

This video clip demonstrates the feature for double pipe heat exchanger (DHex) software Oil Heat Exchanger Example General timeline: 00:00:00 Example 00:02:53 Temperature Profile 00:08:02 How to add a heat transfer coefficient correlation Software features example General timeline: 00:00:00 General Features 00:01:46 Importing physical properties from software database file 00:03:00 Units of measurement and Units Converter 00:04:12 User Databases 00:05:47 Nusselt number correlations add your…